Josh Bartok

Josh Bartok (Rev. Keido Mu’nen Osho) is the abbot of the Greater Boston Zen Center in Cambridge. He is a Dharma heir of James Ishmael Ford Roshi in both of the roshi’s lineages: the ordained Soto Zen lineage of Jiyu Kennett, and the koan introspection lineage of John Tarrant. Josh is one of the Guiding Teachers of Boundless Way Zen school. Over the last 15 years, as senior editor at Wisdom Publications, Josh served as in-house staff editor for almost 200 books in all traditions of Buddhism. He is the co-author, with Ezra Bayda, of Saying Yes To Life (Even the Hard Parts), and the authoring editor, most recently, of Daily Doses of Wisdom. Josh holds a Master’s of Science in Mental Health Counseling, and works also works as a Buddhist Pastoral Therapist.

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